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Category 3

Technology has improved our way of life for the better of mankind. New technologies enhance the incremental developments. Technology can solve the problem; improve the exiting solution to the problem and give us broad based understanding to use new emerging technologies.  


Top 5#: Genome Editing

Top5 Emerging Technologies of 2014

Genome editing is a type of genetic engineering in which DNA is inserted, replaced, or removed from molecular scissors. The nuclease's create DSBs at desired locations in the genome, and tackle the cell’s endogenous mechanisms to repair the induced break by natural processes of HR and NHEJ.  It is commonly practiced in genetic analysis.

Top 4#: Neuromorphic Chips

Top5 Emerging Technologies of 2014
Neuromorphic chips were developed by Carver Mead. Microprocessors designed more like brains than traditional chips. It can also make computers far more intelligent about what’s happening around them.

Top 3#: Brain Mapping

Top5 Emerging Technologies of 2014
Brain mapping is a neuro science techniques imply on the mapping of biological properties onto structural representations of the human brain resulting in maps.
Brain Mapping is the study of the anatomy and utility of the brain and spinal cord through the use of imaging. It include Multi-Modality imaging, electrical, material engineering. All neuro imaging can be considered part of brain mapping.

Top 2#: Ultra Private Smart-phones

Top5 Emerging Technologies of 2014
New models built for different kind of purposes like security and privacy. Its memory is up to 64G. 

Top 1#: Agricultural drones

Agricultural drones are comparatively economical drones with high quality sensors and imaging capabilities. These new features will increase the crop yield and reduce the damages.

The above mentioned are the top 5 emerging technologies of 2014. I hope you will acknowledge from this information. For more top 5 stuffs do visit my blog daily and share this information in your social circle. I will highly appreciate your comments.

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